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ESCO occupations mapping pilot

The ESCO occupations mapping pilot was a project to test the creation of mappings between national occupational classification systems and ESCO.

The Commission conducted the project together with the public employment services of the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands and Spain between May 2014 and December 2015.


  • 1 Purpose
  • 2 Methodology
  • 3 Workshops
  • 4 Documentation



Purpose of the occupations mapping pilot was inter alia to:

  • Identify best practices for the creation of mappings;
  • Assess the effort/costs for creating and updating mappings in further detail;
  • Understand which tools, documents and services can support the process and prioritise them;
  • Assess what level of semantic interoperability can be reached by mapping to ESCO;
  • Better understand and quantify potential benefits;
  • Identify potential improvements of ESCO on a conceptual level;
  • Better understand criteria for quality assessment and validation of mappings.



The methodology of the occupations mapping pilot followed five basic steps:

  • Select public employment services and classification systems to be included in the pilot;
  • Create (partial) mappings, more in particular for the "Hospitality and tourism"-sector;
  • Assess the results of the mappings;
  • Quality improvement and validation (optional);
  • Documentation and dissemination of results.


Background documents on the methodology and implementation of the occupations mapping pilot are published below.


Participants of the occupations mapping pilot coordinated their work in workshops:



The following main documents have been created during the work on the occupations mapping pilot: