Ar an leathanach seo, cuireann an Coimisiún Eorpach na crosbhealaí oifigiúla idir aicmiú ESCO agus aicmithe idirnáisiúnta eile ar fáil lena n‑íoslódáil. Chun an comhad a íoslódáil, cliceáil ar ainm an aicmithe atá uait.
Tugtar tuairisc ar an modheolaíocht a glacadh chun na crosbhealaí a chruthú i dTuarascálacha Teicniúla atá ar fáil sa Rannán Foilseachán.
The crosswalk between ESCO and O*NET

O*NET - ESCO Crosswalk (Occupations)
Here, you can download the complete mapping table in CSV format, which details the correspondences between ESCO and O*NET classifications.

Technical Report
This technical report offers a detailed explanation of the work carried out to create a crosswalk between ESCO and O*NET. It provides insights into both classification systems, the methodology and AI models applied, the interpretation of the results, and additional supporting materials.