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Evrópsk færni, hæfni, menntun og hæfi og störf (ESCO)

Hierarchy view



A concept is a thing, idea or shared understanding of something. Concepts are not language dependent.


The idea or shared understanding of a person baking bread, pastries, etc. and selling it to customers is a concept. Terms that are frequently used to refer to the concept are e.g. "Baker" in English language or "Bäcker/in" in German language.

Concepts and terms in ESCO

In the development of ESCO, a distinction is made between concepts and terms.

In ESCO v0, each concept is associated with one preferred term for each ESCO language.

In many cases, a language contains more than one term to refer to the same or a very similar concept. Therefore, in ESCO v1 each concept will not only be associated with one preferred term but also with as many non-preferred terms and hidden terms as relevant for each ESCO language.

In ESCO v1 each concept will have a definition and a scope note.