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Clasificare europeană a aptitudinilor/competenţelor, calificărilor şi ocupaţiilor (ESCO)
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Muncitori în grădinărit și horticultură

Concept overview




Garden and horticultural labourers perform simple and routine tasks in operations to cultivate and maintain trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants in parks and private gardens, to produce saplings, bulbs and seeds, or to grow vegetables and flowers by intensive cultivation techniques.
Tasks include -
(a) loading, unloading and moving supplies, produce and equipment;
(b) preparing garden sites and plots using hand tools and simple machines;
(c) assisting with planting and transplanting flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns;
(d) maintaining gardens by watering, weeding and mowing lawns;
(e) cleaning gardens and removing rubbish;
(f) assisting with propagating, planting and potting seeds, bulbs and cuttings;
(g) tending plants by hand watering and weeding;
(h) harvesting and packaging plants for sale and transport;
(i) performing minor repairs on fixtures, buildings, equipment and fences.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Garden labourer
- Horticultural labourer
- Lawn mower
- Nursery labourer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Horticulturist - 6113
- Landscape gardener - 6113
- Market gardener - 6113
- Crop farm labourer - 9211

Statutul conceptului