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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

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ESCO versions

ESCO is continuously updated to reflect changes on the European labour market and in education and training. These changes are reflected in different ESCO versions.

Version numbers starting with 0 (zero) are used for early ESCO versions that are used for piloting and testing only. The first fully-fledged ESCO version was ESCO v1. As of this version,  a versioning mechanism keeps track of changes in ESCO.

ESCO updates come in two types: Major and Minor.

  • Major updates involve significant changes such as the creation of new content, semantic revisions  and adjustments to the data model. This means the introduction of new ESCO concepts (i.e. new skills, new occupations) together with quality improvements. For instance, ESCO v.1.2.0, released in May 2024, introduces substantial updates.
  • Minor updates, on the other hand, focus only on quality improvements  without introducing new content. These changes typically include adjustments to concept relations, label modifications, typo corrections, and translations. For example, the minor version ESCO v1.1.1 and v1.1.2 mainly consists of quality enhancements.

List of ESCO versions

Demo versions for piloting and testing

Full ESCO versions

  • ESCO v1 (first full-scale ESCO version): Released in mid 2017
  • ESCO v1.1 (Major): Released in January 2022
  • ESCO v1.1.1 (Minor): Released in September 2022
  • ESCO v1.1.2 (Minor): Released in February 2024
  • ESCO v1.2 (Major): Released in May 2024

Delta Files

To facilitate understanding of changes between versions, ESCO provides Delta files. These files offer detailed insights for ESCO implementers by documenting every change between versions. For example, downloading the delta file for version v.1.1.2 provides insights into the differences between v1.1.2 and the earlier version v1.1.1. Delta files are downloadable exclusively in CSV format in the Download Section.