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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

ESCO is used in online applications and platforms

ESCO’s concepts and the relationships between them can be understood by electronic systems. This allows different systems and platforms to use ESCO to suggest the most relevant jobs to jobseekers on the basis of their skills or the most relevant training to people who want to reskill or upskill. 


ESCO connects people and jobs

ESCO contains accurate descriptions of occupations and skills that can be used in both drafting job offers and CVs, facilitating comparability and matching. This will support both employers to find the right people for their vacancies and jobseekers to find the right jobs for their skills.


ESCO connects employment to education

The use of ESCO in job offers, research, big data analyses, etc., helps education and training providers to understand what skills the labour markets need. They can then adapt their curricula accordingly to prepare their students better for tomorrow's labour markets. ESCO also helps potential employers to better understand what students have learned. 


ESCO connects labour markets and promotes mobility

ESCO is available in 28 languages, allowing job seekers and employers to better communicate about skills, training and jobs in any chosen European language. Through its use in the EURES portal and in many other online platforms, it helps European public and private employment services to offer their services across borders, languages and electronic systems, so that they can better support people who want to work in another European country.