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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

People change jobs and employers more frequently than in the past, new skills are regularly needed and geographical and occupational mobility is increasing. Online talent platforms, such as job boards and social media, are transforming the way recruitment takes place. Employers and job seekers increasingly use digital tools to publish and apply for job offers or to look for and offer training opportunities. Companies and education and training providers need clear and updated information on skills and qualifications to better manage talent and to address skills gaps in education and training programmes.

ESCO concepts and descriptions can help people to understand:

  • What knowledge and skills are usually required when working in a specific occupation;
  • What knowledge, skills and competences are obtained as a result of a specific qualification;
  • What qualifications are demanded or often requested by employers from those searching for work in a specific occupation.


The use of ESCO concepts can also facilitate the transition to this ever-growing digital labour market, by offering a common “language” on occupations and skills that makes these digital tools communicate and work better together.


ESCO and the Digital Labour Market